X-treme Power Washing in Hinsdale, IL Follows a No Dirt Policy
Some power washing companies stand out from others because of their commitment to getting rid of harmful dirt. That is when power washing is effective. When you choose the right company to pressure wash your home’s exterior, you’re also making a commitment to restore your property, so it stands out in your neighborhood.

Why Your Need to Remove the Dirt from Your Building
Particles of soil, although microscopically small individually, can do a lot of damage over time. Accumulated dirt swells and shrinks. Leaky pipes and soil pull joints apart. Rainwater infiltrates through cracks that emerge after the build-up of dirt. Soil can change in volume, which also causes it to push on surfaces.
Therefore, power washing is an essential activity in Hinsdale, Illinois, one that takes into account a building’s engineering and its appearance at the same time. If your building looks old and dirty and is made of brick, power washing is usually the best way to restore it.

Shielding Yourself from Outside Dirt
Indeed, dirt is a building’s enemy, as it attracts unwanted damage. Not only is it found in environmental pollutants, but it also leads to sickness and allergies. Those large oak trees around your property may look lovely. However, the pollen they spread gets trapped in the dirt on the surface of your house, which leads to runny noses and difficulties breathing.

Why Power Washing in Hinsdale, Illinois Offers a Better Option than Painting
While you might think that painting the brick is helpful or a solution to reviving the looks of your house, you’ll still need to clean and prepare the surface.
However, you might change your mind about painting it after seeing how power washing transforms old brick surfaces into appealing and new-looking facades.
Why Paint Can Lead to Structural Difficulties
Although painted masonry may enhance a building’s appearance, it also alters the brick, affecting building performance. That’s because paint usually does not allow bricks to breathe, which also prevents any water in the walls from escaping. As a result, this can lead to some serious water damage over time. Dirt, algae, mold, and mildew leave a house’s exterior and interior structure vulnerable to ongoing damage.
Interior Damages
In this case, any trapped moisture may vaporize behind the coat of paint, which also leads to blistering in the summertime. Damage can also emerge during freeze-thaw situations. You’ll see these effects on plastered walls in the form of damp patches from time to time.

Power Washing Benefits of Cleaning a Rainwater System
Power washing also cleans metal components on older buildings or rainwater systems made of ferrous materials. While you should clean these systems, you also want to make sure they are kept dry at other times. This protects your home from corrosion, which leads to surface stains.
If you don’t apply power washing, a build-up of organic matter can prevent components, such as gutters, from working efficiently. If the components are not regularly cleaned, pooling takes place, which causes a synchronous reaction – one that triggers leaks and the breakdown of building materials.
Water can either ensure a building’s structural activity or destroy it. If you allow mold, algae, or dirt to collect on a home, you’ll only weaken its structure. That is why, at Xtreme Power Washing, we maintain an absolute “no dirt” policy.
Contact X-treme Power Washing to Protect Your Property
To learn more about the benefits of power washing and how it can rejuvenate your commercial or residential property, call X-treme Power washing in Hinsdale, Illinois. Dial 630-936-0513 for more details today.